Networking does not work in a cloned Linux virtual machine


  • The network configuration in the Linux Guest operating system still refers to the original MAC addresses.
  • Mismatch between the MAC addresses in the virtual machine settings and the Linux operating system.
  • Networking does not work in a cloned Linux virtual machine.


When a virtual machine is cloned, the network adapter(s) are given new MAC addresses.


To change the MAC address of the Linux operating system:


  1. Connect the vSphere Client to the vCenter Server.
  2. Click the virtual machine.
  3. Click Edit Settings.
  4. Click Network adapter and take note of the MAC Address:

    For example, 00:0c:29:c1:9e:66
  5. Power on the Linux virtual machine.
  6. Open a console and log in as root.
  7. Change directory to etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.
  8. Edit ifcfg-eth0 using a plaint text editor and update the MAC address to reflect the MAC address in Step 3.

    For more information, see Editing files on an ESX host using vi or nano (1020302).
  9. Activate the ethernet card by executing ifup-eth0.

    Note: ifup eth0 may be required in some instances to activate the ethernet card.


  1. Connect to the vSphere Client to the vCenter Server.
  2. Select the virtual machine and click Edit Settings.
  3. Click Network adapter and take note of the MAC address:

    For example, 00:0c:29:c1:9e:66
  4. Power on the Linux virtual machine.
  5. Change directory to /etc/sysconfig/network and run ls -l if*
    /etc/sysconfig/network # ls -l if*

    # ifcfg-eth-id-00:50:56:a0:17:d7
  6. Rename this file to match the MAC address in Step 3:

    #mv ifcfg-eth-id-00:50:56:a0:17:d7 ifcfg-eth-id-00:0c:29:c1:9e:66
  7. Activate the ethernet card by executing ifup eth0.



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