VM Snapshot Size (GB) alarm incorrectly triggers on virtual machines with no snapshots


In VMware vCenter Server 5.1:
  • You configured a vCenter Server alarm to send alarms when virtual machines are running from snapshots
  • The alarm is falsely triggered even when the virtual machine does not have snapshots
  • You created the VM Snapshot Size (GB) alarm in vCenter Server
  • You see false alarms for multiple virtual machines in the inventory


This is a known issue, and is currently being reviewed by VMware.

This article will be updated as information becomes available.

To work around this issue, disable the VM Snapshot Size (GB) alarm in VMware vCenter 5.1.




ความแตกต่างระหว่าง ESX และ ESXi

ความสามารถครั้งใหญ่ของ Virtual Machine File System 5 (VMFS-5)

ติดตั้ง และใช้งาน VMware ESXi 4 (Free Version)